Hi!!!! I'm Sen. I'm a 20-year-old geographer and data scientist from New Jersey living in London. I like (editing) Wikipedia and gardening and love bad music and cooking and my boyfriend. My pronouns are it/its and they/them. I don't read as much as I should and I spend more time editing this website than I should.
- Raccoons, possums, coyotes, rats
- Cats, bunnies, borzois, hamsters, mice
- Pigeons, crows, bugs, worms, fish
- Car Seat Headrest!!!!!!!!!
- Cycling, trains and buses
- Making maps and graphs
- Ugly sweaters and bad music
- Reading
- Complaining and criticizing
- Cooking
- Soups, stews and rice porridges
- Roller coasters
- Gardening and summer tomatoes
- Eggplant, coconut, cabbage, sourdough
- Cars and driving
- Physics, chemistry, biology
- Marvel and superheroes
- Baking—it's just not my thing......
- Fireworks
- Lactose
- Talking during movies
- When my silence is interrupted
- Loud conversations
- Forgetting my medication
- Oxford comma evangelists
- True Crime
- Copyright law
- Cold and wet weather
- Ending conversations
- Vapes
- Being watched
- Wet socks
- Debate bros
- State violence
- Sleeping through my alarm
Click to show my blinkies! (Warning! They flash and blink!)
Last listening to:
I made this website for fun and to live out my childhood dream of being a webmaster. It's all handcoded in the neocities html editor—and my blood, sweat, tears, and other fluids went into it. You can navigate between the pages using the sitemap, where I also track how complete I consider a page. Even though every page is under construction,
I'm not 'anti-javascript', but I am trying to use it minimally, only where it is required. The site is fully navigable and readable without javascript, even though certain features depend on it (some examples are the tooltips on the home page, the last.fm plugin, or anything pulled from the neocities API). That's not to mention that javascript is necessary to keep my site accessible.
Other than that I'm trying to make this site as accessible as possible (including on mobile devices), but please tell me if anything isn't working!!!
To-do list
- Fix the Email Me animation on the home page
- Add more media queries to my aquarium so that the fish aren't too big
- Create a clean hover effect and design for the links on this page
- Update the tab design on my about page to look like folders
- Give a hover effect for each tab where they translate up ~10px while hovering
- Code a template to follow for the book reviews
- Figure out a way to get the last.fm iframe to work without being obstrusively large.
- Turn my likes and dislikes into flex objects instead of using media queries
- Add more musical blinkies to my about page
- Do a little more tweaking on the book display in the library
- Add a back button in the library
- Fix the main background becoming too short in the recipes page when screen is made smaller (because of the ingredients and instructions stacking)
- Incorporate a GIF pausing script for accessibility
- Figure out how to use js to update each tabs "aria-selected" value on my about page
Writing and design:
- Finish writing down all of my recipes
- Get a photo for each recipe
- Make a start on my book reviews
- Figure out how I'm gonna display my maps and stuff (and take advantage of view transitions)
- Figure out how I'm gonna style the title in my library
- Make my own 88x31 button